Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Growth Mindset: Which one am I?

* Where do you see yourself on the fixed-mindset/growth-mindset spectrum? Does your mindset differ based on the situation (work, home, sports, school, etc?

Fixed-mindset or Growth-mindset

I see myself having a growth mindset.

I love learning and believe knowledge is power. Often after feedback is given, I sit back and think about it. If it is constructive feedback which is sometimes negative or a different opinion then mine, I  try to look at both sides. Often I use this constructive feedback as something to learn and grow from.

Recently at work I volunteered to help out another department due to a shortage of supervisors. I accepted the temporary transfer to help them out, it was presented as a two to three month transfer that ended up to be less than two months. I accepted the transfer to help another department but also to learn the programs and business processes in the different department. I felt that it would give me a chance to help out and learn something new.
The temporary transfer left my department feeling like I left them and wasn't coming back. There were people moved around and some changes that had to take place because of me leaving. I returned a lot sooner then expected and the changes had to be undone. This left some co-supervisors upset with me. I started to notice a difference in our relationships. When I approached one of my co-supervisors about the tension that was being felt by myself and others, she informed me that I left our department and because of my move that she felt it was selfish and impacted her a lot. I explained that I had an opportunity to learn something new and help.
Since I returned to my department I have been able to look at things differently and have a different view about the things that happen in the department I temporally helped. If I did not go and give myself the opportunity to learn, I would have missed out on an opportunity to grow. This is a recent example of me having a growth mindset.

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