Thursday, February 21, 2019

EC, Weekly Review, Week 4, Reading Blogs

I am taking one other class, Sociology 17: Introduction to research methods. This class is going well, it is one night a week from 6:40-9:50pm, I go to class after work. We have been talking about our research project and thinking about topics. I would like to know, why we loose our cultural traditions?
I decided to research this topic because I am half Chinese and growing up we did not celebrate the traditional traditions very much. Now that I am an adult, my 7 year old daughter has became interested in the Chinese traditions. This year we celebrated the Chinese New Year on Feb 5, and my daughter decided that every year she wants to go to her favorite Chinese restaurant. We also made traditional almond cookies for her class and I read her the history of the San Francisco Chinese New year celebrations. Some fun facts I learned is, the celebration of Chinese New Year last 15 days, they celebrate with a lot of big and loud fireworks. San Francisco is having their parade this Saturday, Feb 23 and it will be on tv if you want to watch it and can not see it in person.
My daughter asked me what we are learning in class, so I told her about my research topic and she was very happy and interested.
Once I get more information on the project, I will be have to decide which is the best research method for this topic.
Tonight I have class and am excited to get more information on our project so I can get started.

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