Friday, February 1, 2019

thoughts about time management strategies

I have thought a lot about what time management strategies I will use for this class and semester. I work full time and have a family, I have to set time aside to be successful this semester. For this class, I will complete my readings during my lunches and in the evenings after my family has gone to sleep. My goal to complete all of my readings for part A over the weekend before they are due and then work on part B during the week. I will be posting my blogs as soon as I complete the readings. I am also taking one night class on Thursdays from 6:40-9:50pm, on these days I will get off of work at 5pm, eat a little something and go to the library on campus to study and complete homework. I am looking forward to a successful semester.


  1. Hi again, Amber. Again ha-ha

    I like your time strategies, I like that you seem to be a really organized woman. When we started the semester I wrote my strategies too, but I don't think I'm following my own rules since I have failed on turning in some things. Unlike me, I hope that you're still on track!

    I wish you luck and keep doing a great job! We'll get our prize at the end of the semester!!

  2. Hello Amber, Time management is needed in this class for sure in order to have success. I think the plan you have for your schedule is well organized to ensure you get the work done on time. Nice Job.


Week 17, Weekly Analysis, America is in the Heart

America Is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan (604-610) How do you keep your personal worth from changing when your environment tells you...