Thursday, February 14, 2019

EC, Wikipedia trail, Week 3; Growth Mindset
I went to Wikipedia and entered Growth Mindset, it took me to the above link which was labeled, "Mindset" and "Growth Mindset" was within the text under "Fixed and Growth." The text names Carol Dweck as is discusses "Growth Mindset." I then selected the link for Carol Dweck.

Carol Dweck's link gave information on her early life, education, early career, and her work on "Mindset". She taught in motivation, personality, and social development. I selected the link for Social Development.

Which redirected me to Social Change. It provided the definition and information on current social change; Global demographic shifts and gendered patterns of work and care. Which discussed men and woman's work. I selected woman's work.

Woman's work discusses woman roles with children is defined as pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, midwife, education regarding self care, etc. vs men's roles that have to do with strength and out doors.

This was an interesting assignment, I have never done an activity like this. I started by looking up Growth Mindset and ended with Woman work and their implied roles.

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