Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Feedback Strategies, Week 3, What kind of message helps kids grow?

I read the article, "What kind of message helps kids grow? I chose this article because I have an older daughter that struggles in school, my husband and I are always looking for ways to help her realize that she is capable of doing better if she tries. Over the years she has struggled with being self motivated, she gives up easily and uses it as a way to not do all of the the work she needs to complete. I think the Mindful Mindset is helpful for me because I know what I should be doing, but in the moment it is hard and is very challenging. It is a lot of effort on my part to continue to encourage her. I know that she is capable of more if she puts in the effort. However I also think I can be more positive with using the "Power of Yet," as talked about in the article and in the music video. It reminds me that I need to use the word "yet" more, it seems simple but is hard in the moment of parenting. 

I feel I am confident in giving feedback, I try to start the conversation with asking the person how they feel they are doing? Provide positive feedback, such as recognizing the person for an achievement they have made, improvement in something we discussed in the past or some type of positive statement. Once I have done that I get into the area's of concern or area's of improvement. I have learned that giving examples is very helpful and useful, because I may say something but it is taking in a different content, so if I given an example, it helps relay the message correctly. 
I find that issues or conflict occur when the person is not open to the feedback even though they may ask for it or say it is welcome, the person can get very upset and defensive. I do my best to de-escalate the tension and end the conversation for the moment and come back to it at a later time if it is still needed.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Amber.

    I do believe that the "Power of Yet" is significant. I think it's best to do things slowly and surely. I find it important that you apply the Power of Yet to your child. I think it's best not to rush children and allow them to do things on their own pace.

    I am a recipient of your feedback, and I would like to express my sincerest gratitude because your feedback helps me write efficiently. I understand that people may get upset at first, but essentially, they learn how valuable feedback is to their work. Keep doing you!



Week 17, Weekly Analysis, America is in the Heart

America Is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan (604-610) How do you keep your personal worth from changing when your environment tells you...