Friday, February 8, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

I am not a pro writer and struggling with analyzing a story. This week I realized I was summarizing and not analyzing as required for homework. I am looking forward to the feedback and constructive criticism so I can improve my analyzing skills and break through this block that I am having.

During my 11 year career, I have had a lot of feedback and constructive criticism, it has not always been easy to hear but I have listened, thought about it and then decided if I wanted to learn and grow from it. There has been many times that I did not always agree but always went back and replayed it in my mind. I have learned a lot and realized that I can not take it personal, the people that have given it comes from a good place and only want to see me succeed. I am an open-mind person and am trying to learn and grow with all of my experiences.

Thank you in advance for the welcomed feedback. Happy Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amber! I know this is an older post, but I am just reading it. It can be hard to get into the mode of analyzing if it has been a while since taking an English class. I have also noticed that we also analyze in humanities class, at least in the one I have taken. I have read some of your newer post and you are doing great.


Week 17, Weekly Analysis, America is in the Heart

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