Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Week 5, Analysis, Literary Analysis: De Burton

"The Squatter and the Don," Maria Amparo Ruiz De Burton pg 244-253

Literary Elements: 
Don Mariano Alamar was a Spaniards that owned land and cattle in San Diego, although the Mexicans thought their claims to their land prior to the Treaty of Guadalupe in 1848 (A Treaty that was thought to be created in the spirit of peach and friendship) was going to remain, however the laws did not protect the land owners, "but in reality to destroy cattle and ruin the native Calfornias." pg 248. Don had already lost some of his land to Mathews and Hagar, two squatters, who left and decided to bring a few more men to squat and claim land that does not belong to the US. Darrell was one of the squatters, Don knew about and thought that he was no longer claiming land. Through out the story Don believed Darrell was a man that knew he was taking land from him, he assumed the worst about him and told his family.

William Darrell (The Squatter)living in Alameda County, took over Spanish people's land in Napa and Sonoma Counties, (Squatter's Sovereignty) he became rich and promised his wife he would only claim land that belonged to the United States. He went to San Diego to claim land that he believed belonged to the US, however it belonged to Don Mariano Alamra.

I believe that Darrell did not know he was taking Don's land and if Don would have approached him they could have discussed the misunderstanding. Don did not believe he could stand up for his family and land. I believe that this makes him a strong but weak man. Strong because he does not want to cause any issues or fight with other's since he believes the law is not on his side. However I also believe he is weak because he is not fighting for his land and his family, he is allowing others to push him out.

I researched the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848,  which was described in the story. The information I found, follows the information in the story, it was a "peace treaty," and was suppose to ensure safety to the land of the Mexicans that had exciting property rights, but it was not honored. 
Articles VIII and IX ensured safety of existing property rights of Mexican citizens living in the transferred territories. Despite assurances to the contrary, the property rights of Mexican citizens were often not honored by the U.S. in accordance with modifications to and interpretations of the Treaty.[6][7][8] The U.S. also agreed to assume $3.25 million (equivalent to $94.1 million today) in debts that Mexico owed to United States citizens.
The residents had one year to choose whether they wanted American or Mexican citizenship; Over 90% chose American citizenship. The others returned to Mexico (where they received land), or in some cases in New Mexico were allowed to remain in place as Mexican citizens.[9][10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Guadalupe_Hidalgo,

Reading Notes Part B, Week 5, Bierce

Moxon's Master, Ambrose Bierce pg 235-243

When I started to read this story I was confused and it was hard to follow. When I completed the passage I envisioned a Frankenstein creature as the machine chest player.
The following quote helped me connect the content from Moxon's conversation to his invention. "Was all his talk about the consciousness and intelligence of the machines merely a prelude to eventual exhibition of this device.....upon me in my ignorance of it's secret?"pg 241.
Moxon created a machine and was playing chest, once Moxon won the machine had a negative reaction to loosing, which could lead to his idea of it being conscious and can think for itself, as he described the vine following the stake in the soil several times, until it gave up and went it's own way.
Moxon did not seem to fear the machine man, even after there was a struggle and blood was on him after going into the "Machine Shop". I feel like maybe he was testing the machine man to see what his reaction was going to be, but unfortunately the machine was stronger than him, which lead to his death. He should not have done this without his assistant, Haley, present, maybe things would have ended differently.
Moxon's friend, the one telling the story, was a very curious, smart, and brave man. I also think he knew something was wrong when Moxon returned from the "Machine Shop" with blood on him. When he returned to the house and no one was answering the door, he could have turned away but instead he was curious and went inside to check on his friend and tried to save him when he was being attacked. He risked his life for Moxon and went up against a machine man, he knew nothing about. Thankfully he was saved by Haley. I wonder what happened tot he machine man?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Reading Notes Part A, Week 5, De Burton

"The Squatter and the Don," Maria Amparo Ruiz De Burton pg 244-253

Main characters:
William Darrell (The Squatter)living in Alameda County, took over Spanish people's land in Napa and Sonoma Counties, (Squatter's Sovereignty) he became rich and promised his wife he would only claim land that belonged to the United States. He went to San Diego to claim land that he believed belonged to the US, however it belonged to Don Mariano Alamra.

Don Mariano Alamar was a Spaniards that owned land and cattle in San Diego, although the Mexicans thought their claims to their land prior to the Treaty of Guadalupe in 1848 (A Treaty that was thought to be created in the spirit of peach and friendship) was going to remain, however the laws did not protect the land owners, "but in reality to destroy cattle and ruin the native Calfornias." pg 248. Don had already lost some of his land to Mathews and Hagar, two squatters, who left and decided to bring a few more men to squat and claim land that does not belong to the US. Darrell was one of the squatters, Don knew about and thought that he was no longer claiming land. Through out the story Don believed Darrell was a man that knew he was taking land from him, he assumed the worst about him and told his family.
In the end Darrell claimed 320 acres of Don's land as Don and his family watched from their home, and said nothing. "There would have been bloodshed then. Now tears only flowed, silent tears of helpless discouragement; of a presentiment of impending desolation." pg 253
I believe that Darrell did not know he was taking Don's land and if Don would have approached him they could have discussed the misunderstanding. Don did not believe he could stand up for his family and land. I believe that this makes him a strong but weak man. Strong because he does not want to cause any issues or fight with other's since he believes the law is not on his side. However I also believe he is weak because he is not fighting for his land and his family, he is allowing others to push him out.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Take Stock, Week 4

Happy Sunday!!!

I am update with my assignments and ready to start week 5. Let's get started.>>>>>

Project Action Plan, Week 4: Winnemucca "From Life among the Piutes

Project Topic: Choose one short story or novel excerpt. Write a piece in which you explore: What does this story teach us about history?

Story: Thocetony (Sarah Winnmucca) "From Life among the Piutes" pg 254-261

I will be writing a Literary Analysis for my project.

Piutes tribe: children being raised, respect for parents and each other, cultural gatherings for young girls and boys to meet each other, the process of when a girl becomes a woman, how a husband is chosen, process of when a boy becomes a man, woman and men treated equally, how they charmed antelopes.

Children are taught to be good, love everyone without being told.
Respect for each other and traditions: no swearing, no talking bad about each other.
Believe in cultural traditions: charming antelopes (put under a "spell")

The context of the story describes the culture and traditions of the Piutes tribe. I enjoyed reading this story because it describes and educates me on the Piutes culture. Culture is something I am trying to understand more about, for example, why do we loose our cultural traditions. In this story, it is clear that this tribe wants to stay together and keep their traditions but they wanted to diminish and shrink their tribe instead of multiplying it because they believed their daughters were not safe. pg 256
I believe the author is telling a story about her tribe and is using the information to keep they history alive for them, with this story we now get to read and understand what her life was like as a child and how the culture of his tribe influenced her as she became an adult. Winnemucca also compares and describes how her tribe was different from the "white men." Indians do not swear, - they have no words for swearing till they learned them of the white men." pg 254

EC, Week 4, Reading Notes X: Winnemucca

I decided to read the extra credit reading to help me find my story for our Project. I was reading blogs and seen an Analysis from Kimberly Arce and it sounds like a great story to use. 
This story is about the Paiute Indians. It was very interesting to learn about their tribe's culture and traditions. I really enjoyed that they are taught to be good. They use the "coyote," for sayings, "Oh, it is only coyote," pg 254 and as a symbol in their culture as something, "stands for everything low." pg 254 The Paiute's did not swear until they learned it from the "white men." "The worst they call each other is bad or coyote." pg 254-255. It was interesting to learn that the girls were not able to speak to the men, unless they were at a festive dance, one annual dance was called, "Festival of Flowers" in the spring. Once the girl became of age to marry, the grandmother's would take care of them, the men that were interesting in marrying the girl, would sit at the end of her bed quietly and would leave when the girl would get up from her bed and move next to her mother. The girl was not pressured by her parents to choose a man. 
The boys would not be able to hunt large animals until they turned 15 or 16, and they could not eat anything they killed until they had a certain ceremony. 
Woman were well respected in this tribe and nothing was keep from the men or woman. The woman took care of their husband if he was wounded or killed. Some woman would even replace their husband's in war if their husband's were killed. 
The tribe captured antelopes by "charming" them or putting them under a spell, the process was very detailed and if anything was out of place, it would not work. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

EC, Weekly Review, Week 4, Reading Blogs

I am taking one other class, Sociology 17: Introduction to research methods. This class is going well, it is one night a week from 6:40-9:50pm, I go to class after work. We have been talking about our research project and thinking about topics. I would like to know, why we loose our cultural traditions?
I decided to research this topic because I am half Chinese and growing up we did not celebrate the traditional traditions very much. Now that I am an adult, my 7 year old daughter has became interested in the Chinese traditions. This year we celebrated the Chinese New Year on Feb 5, and my daughter decided that every year she wants to go to her favorite Chinese restaurant. We also made traditional almond cookies for her class and I read her the history of the San Francisco Chinese New year celebrations. Some fun facts I learned is, the celebration of Chinese New Year last 15 days, they celebrate with a lot of big and loud fireworks. San Francisco is having their parade this Saturday, Feb 23 and it will be on tv if you want to watch it and can not see it in person.
My daughter asked me what we are learning in class, so I told her about my research topic and she was very happy and interested.
Once I get more information on the project, I will be have to decide which is the best research method for this topic.
Tonight I have class and am excited to get more information on our project so I can get started.

Week 4, Analysis, Close Reading: The Outcast of Poker Flats

Bret Harte, 1836-1902, The Outcast of Poker Flats, pg 216-225

"But at the head of the gulch, on one of the largest pine-trees, they found the deuce of clubs pinned to the bark with a bowie-knife. It bore the following, written in pencil, in a firm hand: -

Beneath The Tree
Lies the Body 
Who Struck A Streak of Bad Luck 
on the 23rd of November, 1850, 
Handed in his Checks 
on the 7th December, 1850.

And pulseless and cold, with a Derringer by his side and a bullet in his heart, though still calm as in life, beneath the snow lay he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat" pg 224-225

I found this passage important in understand the character of John Oakhurst because throughout the story he was described as a calm, strong, man. I felt like he was a good man, he didn't tell the Tom and Piney that Uncle Billy took their mule and left them, he did not tell them that Mother Shipton starved herself and died, so Piney could have her food, he made snow shoes for Tom to go and get help. But in the end he knew his good luck was done and he hit his, "Streak of Bad Luck," and decided to end his life on his own terms, and did it in a way that he wanted.

This passage symbolizes the character of John Oakhurst even at his grave site. He was a gambler and there was a "deuce of clubs," he "struct a streak of bad luck", and "handed in his checks", theses are references to gambling, how it was his life and how it identified him.

This passage was a resolution to my question, why did Mr. Oakhurst leave the woman to die alone. Once I read this last passage it connected the unknown, did he leave the woman alone to die? Why did he leave them? Where did he go? The passage shows that although Mr. Oakhurst appeared strong and the leader of the group, he was really weakest. He left the two woman in the cabin, after he convinced Tom to leave and get help, and then he killed himself. He was weak because he could not freeze or starve to death with the woman. He left them with questions about when he was coming back and after he did not return by the morning, they knew he left them to die alone, but at least they died in each other's arms.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Reading Notes B, Week 4: The Outcast of Poker Flats

The Outcasts of Poker Flats

Outcasts 11/23/1950
Mr. Oakhurst - gambler
The Duchess - young woman
Mother Shipton - young woman
Uncle Billy - suspected sluice-robber, drunkard

The Outcasts were escorted out of Poker Flats and was traveling to Sandy Bar.

Young couple going to Poker Flats from Sandy bar.
Tom Simson "The Innocent" of Sandy Bar
Piney Woods - waitress and engaged to Tom

Mr. Woods did not approve of the marriage, therefore the couple was traveling to Poker Flats to get married.

Both groups were tired and stopped to rest for the night, Tom and Piney stayed with the "Outcasts' in a cabin, during the evening Uncle Billy took the mule and left the group and never returned. Snow trapped the group in and planned to stay until it was safe to travel. The group had about a weeks worth of food. After a week, Mother Shipton, died from starving herself and left her food for Piney.
Mr. Oakhurst convinced Tom to leave the group and go to Poker Flat and if he did Piney would be safe. Mr. Oakhurst left the cabin with Tom and did not return. The two woman, "The Duchess" and Piney held each other and went to sleep. They died in each other's arms. Their bodies were found by some "law" from Poker Flats, they also found Mr. Oakhurst, who killed himself with a bullet to his heart. "..he who at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat."pg 225.

To me the theme of the story is no matter how bad of a person you are, a person can always change.
The two woman were outcast of the town, yet once they met young Piney, they took care of her. Mother Shipton starved herself and gave up her life for the young Piney. "You've starved yourself," said the gambler. That's what they call it."pg 223. "The Duchess" stayed with Piney and they died in each others arms and gave each other peace during the time of them freezing to death.
Mr. Oakhurst, was a strong man but in the end took his life because he was weak and could not freeze or starve to death.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Reading Notes A, Week 4: The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the Celebrated California Bandit

This was a story about Joaquin Murieta, he was Mexican and born in Mexico. He was described as, "remarkable for a very mild and peaceable disposition"pg 162 Joaquin moved to California, after the war with Mexico, he was upset with his native people and wanted to venture away from his home and live among the American people. At the age of 18 years old he was engaged and made his by a rich mining claim. He was was described as handsome, loved and respected by his community. During this time not everyone felt that any/all Mexicans should have this level of class, they were called lawless men. These men went into his home, hit him, tied his hands and feet up and rape his fiance' in front of him. They left their home and went up north of the mines and started a farm. There he looked for peace again, but this did not last. He again was driven away from his home, "with no other excuse than that he was, "an infernal Mexican intruder!"pg 165. They moved again, this time he ended up at Murphy's Diggings and started to mine again and then started a Mexican game, "Monte." He was accused of stealing a horse, he was tied to a tree and he was publicly shamed.
"It was then that the character of Joaquin changed, suddenly and irrevocable." pg 166
He ended up murdering the men that tied him to the tree and shamed him. He became a robber, murderer, an outlaw, and a bandit.
The saying, 'Don't judge a book by it's cover," is the theme of the story to me. Joaquin left his home and country to make a better life for himself and did three times. All three times his honest way of life was taken from him because he was not American, he was Mexican. These men did not look at Joaquin as a person that was making an honest living from himself but instead judged him because of being born a Mexican. 
So many times in life we judge people because of the was they look, ethnic background or culture and not because of who the person is or what they have made of themselves.


Thursday, February 14, 2019

EC, Wikipedia trail, Week 3; Growth Mindset

I went to Wikipedia and entered Growth Mindset, it took me to the above link which was labeled, "Mindset" and "Growth Mindset" was within the text under "Fixed and Growth." The text names Carol Dweck as is discusses "Growth Mindset." I then selected the link for Carol Dweck.


Carol Dweck's link gave information on her early life, education, early career, and her work on "Mindset". She taught in motivation, personality, and social development. I selected the link for Social Development.


Which redirected me to Social Change. It provided the definition and information on current social change; Global demographic shifts and gendered patterns of work and care. Which discussed men and woman's work. I selected woman's work.


Woman's work discusses woman roles with children is defined as pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, midwife, education regarding self care, etc. vs men's roles that have to do with strength and out doors.

This was an interesting assignment, I have never done an activity like this. I started by looking up Growth Mindset and ended with Woman work and their implied roles.

EC, Week 3, Weekly Review: Asked for help

By the end of last week, I was feeling stuck and struggling with the question, am I analyzing correctly and am I doing our writing assignments correctly? I was feeling good in the beginning of the week after I posted my first blog for our reading assignment A, I felt even better after my blog post on reading assignment B. I felt like I was getting the hang of it and my notes were getting easier. Then on Wednesday, I read one of our announcements that said we need to analysis and not summarize. I looked back at my two post and realized I was summarizing more than I was analyzing, I started to question myself and start really struggled with writing our weekly analyzing blog for the week. I started writing and then would read it and it didn't seem right, I felt like I hit a wall and with all the links and information given to us to help,  it was only making it worst for me. I e-mailed asking for help, but knew I had to write my blog for the week, so I didn't miss out on the points. On Friday, I seen the e-mail with sign up times for a meeting with our professor Mrs. Hiltbrand's with her office hours, I knew that I needed to sign up and talk to her as soon as I could. I was able to schedule an appointment for Monday.
I went to our appointment and met Mrs. Hiltbrand's, she was very kind, welcoming, and I felt very comfortable. I expressed my concerns and expressed that being successful in this class and is very important to me. Mrs. Hiltbrand explained that our notes from the readings are truly our notes, we can write them however we want and is useful for us. She clarified that her announcement about the summarizing was for our weekly blog due on Thursdays, that should not be a summary, but we need to analysis. She then read my blog from last week and said it was on the right track and we talked about it. She also discussed our upcoming project and a few other things. It was great being able to meet with Mrs. Hiltbrand and having a conversation, maybe something I am lacking with an online class. This is really my first online class and I am just trying to figure it all out and trying to manage my time so I do not fall behind. After this meeting I felt a lot more comfortable with my blogs and know that I will be able to be successful in this class and if I have any doubt or questions to just send an e-mail to Mrs. Hiltbrand and ask, she really does make herself available to us.

Thank you for your time Mrs. Hiltbrand and I really happy that you are my professor for my first online class.

Topic Research, Week 3, What does this story teach us about history?

Project Topic: Choose one short story or novel excerpt. Write a piece in which you explore: What does this story teach us about history?

For this project I will need to read a short story or novel excerpt that is about or has a lot of information about an event in the California history. I am choosing this as a topic because I would like to learn about California history, and will learn a lot buy finding a story, looking up the meaning of words I am not familiar with, identifying, key parts of the story, such as theme, characters, setting, etc. Once I have identified the story or novel excerpt which I will be from our readings, I will also research the time frame it was written, because then I can get an idea of how the culture was at that time and look up historical events during that time to help have a better understanding of the reading. I will use the Internet to assist me with the research part, I do not have a specific website to use at this time.

Week 3, Analysis, Literary Analysis, The Luck of Roaring Camp

The story of, The Luck of Roaring Camp, was very detailed on the culture of the camp and how the camp started regeneration, once a child was born. Roaring Camp was a male only camp, with one woman, Cherokee Sal. The men at this camp were "rough", missing fingers, toes, and eyes, strong, and a close cluster of men that stuck together. Cherokee Sal was a woman, that was coarse, feared and a very sinful woman, she was abandoned, isolated, and alone at a time that she needed another woman. Cherokee Sal was pregnant and in labor, with only rough men around her and helping. 
Once the baby was born, his mother, the only woman in the camp died. All of the men were invited into the cabin to see the baby boy and contribute anything they wished for the newborn baby. Kentuck, who was a very roughed, walked by and the baby boy grabbed his finger, this interaction affected him, you could say changed him, he went from a man that was, "habits of frontier life, had began to regard all garments as a second cuticle, which like a snake's only slought off through decay.... Yet such was the subtle influence of the innovation that he thereafter appeared regularly every afternoon in a clean shirt, and face still shinning from his ablutions." To a man that cleaned up every day so he could hold the baby.
The men in the camp decided to keep, care and raise the baby, they decided against giving him to another camp or having a woman come to the camp to take care of him, they did not want another woman in their camp. “This unkind allusion to the defunct mother, harsh as it may seem, was the first spasm of propriety, - the first symptom of the camp’s regeneration.” This is when the camp started regeneration.
Stumpy, the man who helped deliver him, was his caregiver. The men named him Tommy Luck. It was thought that he brought, "the luck," to the camp. 
Tommy Luck was given a cabin that was keep clean and had improvements to make it a comfortable. Regeneration continued at Roaring Camp, a changes happened all over the camp, they started to improve their personal cleanliness, social sanitary, and moral laws. It was a honor and privilege to hold the baby. The camp was not allowed to be make loud noises, yell, cuss, smoke around Tommy, the men started to whisper, use soft vocal music, and see the beauty around them.
The golden summer came and the claims had yielded a lot, the camp was becoming prosperous. "With the prosperity of the camp came the desire for further improvements." The camp decided that they would build a hotel the following spring and have a family or two come and stay, they thought it would be good for Tommy. Most men agreed but there were a few that were hesitant, but it was not going to be for a few months, so they continued to plan.
That winter there was a lot of snow on the mountains, rain, rivers looked like lakes, a camp nearby, Red Dog, was flood twice and Roaring Camp was warned. One day the water from the river rose above the bank and flood the camp. The next morning, Stumpy's cabin was gone and his body was found, but Tommy Luck was missing. A relief boat came with Kentuck and he was holding Tommy Luck in his arms, he was dead. Kentuck was dying and was upset Tommy Luck was dead. He continued to hold Tommy Luck in his arms and said, “he’s a taking me with him, - tell the boys I’ve got the Luck with me now.”
A camp that was full of rough men, raised a baby for a year, changed their culture to be cleaner and not as rough around the baby, they were open to improving their camp and inviting others, but with one bad winter the camp was destroyed and Luck, the baby who brought their camp luck was gone. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Feedback Strategies, Week 3, What kind of message helps kids grow?

I read the article, "What kind of message helps kids grow? I chose this article because I have an older daughter that struggles in school, my husband and I are always looking for ways to help her realize that she is capable of doing better if she tries. Over the years she has struggled with being self motivated, she gives up easily and uses it as a way to not do all of the the work she needs to complete. I think the Mindful Mindset is helpful for me because I know what I should be doing, but in the moment it is hard and is very challenging. It is a lot of effort on my part to continue to encourage her. I know that she is capable of more if she puts in the effort. However I also think I can be more positive with using the "Power of Yet," as talked about in the article and in the music video. It reminds me that I need to use the word "yet" more, it seems simple but is hard in the moment of parenting. 

I feel I am confident in giving feedback, I try to start the conversation with asking the person how they feel they are doing? Provide positive feedback, such as recognizing the person for an achievement they have made, improvement in something we discussed in the past or some type of positive statement. Once I have done that I get into the area's of concern or area's of improvement. I have learned that giving examples is very helpful and useful, because I may say something but it is taking in a different content, so if I given an example, it helps relay the message correctly. 
I find that issues or conflict occur when the person is not open to the feedback even though they may ask for it or say it is welcome, the person can get very upset and defensive. I do my best to de-escalate the tension and end the conversation for the moment and come back to it at a later time if it is still needed.  

Reading Notes B, Week 3, Nursling of the Sky

This is a passage that describes the different climates of California from the hills, mountains to the deserts. This passage also describes the seasons from rains, snow storms, to the dry desert winds of California.

"They have habits to be learned, appointed paths, seasons, and warnings, and they leave you in no doubt about their performances. One who builds his house on a water scar or the rubble of a steep slope must take chances. So they did in Overtown who built in the wash of Argus water, and at Kearsarge at the foot of a steep, treeless swale. After twenty years Argus water rose in the wash against the frail houses, and the piled snows of Kearsarge slid down at a thunder peal over the cabins and the camp, but you could conceive that it was the fault of neither the water nor the snow."

This section of the passage is a short but detailed about how they had to learn the land and weather to survive and to build because if you did not know how the weather was going to be in the different seasons then you wouldn't know how it would affect you. In this section a house was build and destroyed during the winter because of the snow. 

Later in the passage it describes the desert winds and the dust storms. "But being in a house is really much worse; no relief from the dust, and a great fear of the creaking timbers."

Lastly, the passage describes some of the native animals to California, such as the red snake, bobcats, trout in the steams, blackbirds, jays, crows, doves, mallards, cattle, deer, and sheep and the climates they are found and how the weather can impact them.

This was a very descriptive passage and helped me visualize the different climates and seasons of California.

Reading Notes A, Week 3, The Luck of the Roaring Camp

Roaring Camp was a male only camp, with one woman, Cherokee Sal. The men at this camp were "rough", missing fingers, toes, and eyes, strong, and a close cluster of men that stuck together. Cherokee Sal was a woman, that was coarse, feared and a very sinful woman, she was abandoned, isolated, and alone at a time that she needed another woman. Cherokee Sal was pregnant and in labor, with only rough men around her and helping. Stumpy was a man that went to help deliver the baby. Once the baby was born, Cherokee Sal died. The men were invited into the cabin to see the baby boy and contribute anything they wished for the newborn baby. Kentuck was walking by and the baby boy grabbed his finger, this interaction affected him, he thought about it and checked on the baby. 
The men talked about who was going to take care of the baby, suggestions were to give him to another village or to have another woman come to the village, both were decided against and they decided that they would keep and care for him. Stumpy was his caregiver and they names him Tommy Luck. It was thought that he brought luck to the camp. 
Tommy Luck was given a cabin that was keep clean and had improvements to make it a comfortable. Regeneration started at Roaring Camp, a change happened over the camp, they started to improve their personal hygiene. It was a honor and privilege to hold the baby, even the roughest of men, Kentuck came in a clean shirt and was cleaned up.
"With the prosperity of the camp came the desire for further improvements." The camp decided that they would build a hotel the following spring and have a family or two come and stay, they thought it would be good for Tommy. Most men agreed but there were a few that were hesitant. 
That winter there was a lot of rain, a camp near by, Red Dog, was under water twice and Roaring Camp was warned. One day the water from the river rose above the bank. The next morning, Stumpy's cabin was gone and his body was found, but Tommy Luck was missing. A relief boat came with Kentuck and he was holding Tommy Luck in his arms, he was dead. Kentuck was dying and was upset Tommy Luck was dead. He continued to hold Tommy Luck in his arms and died with him. 
A camp that was full of rough men, raised a baby for a year, changed their culture to be cleaner and not as rough around the baby, they were open to improving their camp and inviting others, but with one bad winter the camp was destroyed and Luck, the baby who brought their camp luck was gone. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

I am not a pro writer and struggling with analyzing a story. This week I realized I was summarizing and not analyzing as required for homework. I am looking forward to the feedback and constructive criticism so I can improve my analyzing skills and break through this block that I am having.

During my 11 year career, I have had a lot of feedback and constructive criticism, it has not always been easy to hear but I have listened, thought about it and then decided if I wanted to learn and grow from it. There has been many times that I did not always agree but always went back and replayed it in my mind. I have learned a lot and realized that I can not take it personal, the people that have given it comes from a good place and only want to see me succeed. I am an open-mind person and am trying to learn and grow with all of my experiences.

Thank you in advance for the welcomed feedback. Happy Friday!!

Topic Brainstorm: 4 Topics

Topic 1: From a piece of fiction choose a female character on whom to focus, and create a project.
I would like to choose a female character from a story because I would like to see how the author creates, describes, and has the female play a part in the story. The female role will show how the author feels towards woman and can be a reflection how they feel in real life. Females did not often have a main role in a stories, they were not treated as equal as they are now. Different authors have different views and I will be able see how this author views woman.

Topic 2: Choose one short story or novel excerpt. Write a piece in which you explore: What does this story teach us about history?
I am choosing this as a topic because I would like to learn more about the California history and how the readings in this book tells a story. In two short weeks I have learned a lot about California's history. I live in a state that has tons of history that I do not know a lot about. I think we as people take things for granted, there is so much history all around us, we do not have to go far to find it, but we do not realize it and go searching for it. California is a place that many people come to live, because the possibilities, but many people that have lived here all of their lives do not see the possibilities and want to leave to search for a place that gives it to them.

Topic 3: Love, work, freedom, ect. Then choose two selections and discuss how that subject is discussed in those selections.
As I am reading I want to find two selections that focused on freedom and compare the two. Freedom was not always given, it depended on your race, sex, social status, etc. When I was a student in middle and high school, history was not a subject that I enjoyed, I did not learn as much as I should have. As an adult, I wish I would have focused and learned more. I am eager to complete these readings and learn as much as I can.

Topic 4: Think about a theme you see running through your life. Choose a reading that you  think also discusses this theme. Explore connections between how the theme play out in your life, and how the theme gets played out in the reading.
I am not sure what story will follow a theme in my life, but I have had a lot of growth in the last year and continue to learn new things about myself. I have a different outlook in life, I am looking for the positive and how I can make a different in the world and be a good role model for my children and the children in my life. I am sure there will be a reading in this book, that will relate to me and write a project on. I am excited for this learning adventure I am on.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Week 2, Analysis: Closed Reading: About the House Girl

Why would Ifapi's father send her away to her aunt's house?

".it was foolish thought that you might continue to keep yourself from men and that the Flute Player of Rekwoi.... wish to marry you." When I read this part of the story, the story had fallen together for me. Ifapi's father sent her to live with her aunt near Patapir because he wanted her to marry him, it was his plan. At first I thought that Ifapir's father was not going to approve of her marriage to Patapir, but in fact he wanted his for many years.
"before you were grown and went away from me" Ifapi's father uses this to say when you were younger and lived at home, I felt he was trying to make her feel like who she chose as her husband was not what she was suppose to do and tell her that he does not approve of this man he has not hear anything about.
This passage elaborates on the background of the story, it helps build the climax. I thought the climax was when Patapir went and took Ifapi from her aunt's house, but once I read this part, this was the climax and it made the story connect and fall into place. All of the events of the story from when Patapir was little and played his flute and the music would travel up the river, to the details of Ifapi's shyness and stayed away from men, Patapir's interest in a girl across the river, he never met or even seen, these details build the story, that means to me that they were meant to be with another, it was like an arranged married from birth, but Patapir found his way to a woman that he had never met. Ifapi's saved herself for a man she never met, only heard his music. 

“Tell me then - who is this man, your husband – you must know, my child, that when I let you go away from me, it was with the foolish thought that you might continue to keep yourself from men, and that the Flute Player of Rekwoi might one day come to know of your being chosen by the Leader and wish to marry you. I know his family, and perhaps you have not forgotten how we used to listen together to his songs as they floated up the river – before you were grown and went away from me.” pg 47-48

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Reading Notes, Week 2: About the house girl

Today's reading About the house girl, was a very interesting story and held my interest. I was able to visualize Patapir playing his flute and the music notes traveling up the river from the village of Rekwoi to the village of Merip. Ifapi was a described as a quiet, loving, gentle, shy young girl, who hid herself from men when they came to her father's home. She was sent to live up river with her aunt in the village of Rekwoi. Her aunt kept her in the home and she was not seen in town. Patapir's mother had spoken about the girl that lived up on the hill across the river from his home, however very little was known about her. The story describes how the unknown had caught his attention. "Patapir continued to think about her, wondering what she was like, wishing he might have a glimpse of her."pg 41 One day Patapir noticed two young woman across the river below the house on the hill, he crossed the river and met the girls, he then left them and went to the house on the hill, he was drawn to the house, "telling her how the smell of the seaweed had drawn him up the hill to her home." pg 41 He was given some seaweed and invited into the home. "And there, for the first time, he saw Ifapi." pg 41
Later that evening he went over to the other two girl's home and they all went in a canoe, there were 10 of them and they all paddled to a beach and watched a Life Renewing Dance. During this dance Patapir noticed that the assistant to the Leader was Ifapi, she did not look pale and sick. He watched her all night.
The next day he went to the home on the hill across the river, Patapir was invited into the home again and seen Ifapi, went to touch her shoulder to get her attention and was told not to touch her from the aunt. The aunt tried to tell him that she is sick and he told her that she was not sick, he had seen her the night before as the assistant to the Leader. The aunt asked him to step outside, so she could talk to Ifapi, he hesitated but did as he was asked. When he was called back in, "but the shadowed face was no longer pale and indifferent, but awake as at the dance."He told the aunt he was going to marry her that evening and then take her home to her father. Ifapi thanked her aunt for helping her. They married that night and then left in the morning to go up the river and to the village of Merip.
Ifapi's father was surprised to see her, and was not sure who she married since he had not heard of a man before. "It was as you say, my father. I hid from men, going only to the dancing, and I, too, thought always of the Flute player. At last, he saw the dancing and wished to merry me."pg 48 As a child Ifapi and her father would listen to the music from the Flute player down the river and her father's wish was Ifapi marry him one day. He was trying to save his daughter for the Flute player and she was also waiting for him, and he found her. The had children of their own and as a family would go to the Land-Beyond-the-World and Patapir would sing for many years.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Reading Notes, wk 2, The Creation

During this weeks reading, The Creation (Maidu), pg 23-35, I visualized the setting in my mind. In the beginning, "when this world was covered with water." I visualized being in a boat or floating device and looking around, all I could see was water. There were two characters, Earthmaker and the Coyote, later came the Meadowlark from the birds nest.
The reading continues to go on and describe how there was nothing around, until Earthmaker thought and sang songs about mountain ranges, and a little bit of land, he sang until he saw something like a birds nest. As he looked at it was small so he thought that it would be better if it was bigger, so as he thought of the ways it could get bigger, the small nest started to grow. I imagine a small humming birds nest and then watching it grow so that it covers the ground. The Meadowlark was in the small nest but as it grew, he stood on the land to later fly away and be the first creature to fly.
Then Coyote was told to laid on his belly to push out the land and make it grow larger, to cover large areas, so there would be places to travel. I imagine Coyote with his belly on the ground, and pushing out the land with his legs, in all directions, like when a dog lays flat on it's belly on the cold tile on a hot summer day.
Earth maker was now alone and started to create creatures, he made them two by two, each pair similar but a little different. During this part of the story I imagine a land that is empty but is slowing being filled with creatures, so they can grow and have children and a build a land of there own, where they have names and give things names. Each pair of creatures can have their own country and have there own foods, names and languages.
Once Earthmaker was done with creating the lands and creatures, he traveled to the middle of the world and built a house.
This story is about the creation of the world, from a place the Earthmaker imagined covered in water, to a birds nest, to stretching it out to make the land that covers the world, and creating creatures, using song and imagination.

Friday, February 1, 2019

thoughts about time management strategies

I have thought a lot about what time management strategies I will use for this class and semester. I work full time and have a family, I have to set time aside to be successful this semester. For this class, I will complete my readings during my lunches and in the evenings after my family has gone to sleep. My goal to complete all of my readings for part A over the weekend before they are due and then work on part B during the week. I will be posting my blogs as soon as I complete the readings. I am also taking one night class on Thursdays from 6:40-9:50pm, on these days I will get off of work at 5pm, eat a little something and go to the library on campus to study and complete homework. I am looking forward to a successful semester.


This class uses a lot of different technologies, the only one I was familiar with before this class started was Google Docs. Since we have started the class this week, I have been using Blogger.com for our blog assignments and have started to feel a little more familiar with each assignment. 

My only concern is making sure I am use all of the technology as required and not miss anything. My plan is to make sure I read the assignments closely and check off each part of the assignment as I complete them. 

I am excited for the blogs, I am not very familiar with blogging, I read them when links lead me to them from other websites, but I do not follow any. The technology we use in this class with help me by expanding my knowledge of the Internet and additional useful websites. 

Week 17, Weekly Analysis, America is in the Heart

America Is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan (604-610) How do you keep your personal worth from changing when your environment tells you...